Dave Moses

| TV Guy | Mind Reader | Hypnotist |

Dave Moses on set of YTV's magic show Tricked

Dave Moses, TV GuyDave is an award-winning television writer and producer.
He's worked in the scripted and unscripted worlds and has worked with broadcasters like CTV, CBC, Corus and Knowledge Network on shows like:
Paramedics: Life on the Line
Emergency Room: Life and Death @VGH
Farming for Love
Real Housewives of Toronto
Robson Arms
Awards & Nominations
Leo Award Best Documentary Series
Leo Award People's Choice Award for Best Series
Leo Award Best Writing in a TV Comedy
Gemini Nomination Best Writing in a TV Series, Robson Arms
Canadian Comedy Award Nomination Best Writing in a TV Series, Robson Arms

Dave Moses Leo Award for Best Documentary Series, Paramedics: Life on the Line
Poster by @nabillustration

Dave Moses, MentalistDave is also an entertainer and performs his Mind Reading and Hypnosis show regularly at events from coast to coast.At his performances audiences experience thoughts traveling from one mind to another.
Metal bends.
People suddenly possesses savant powers.
An idea is transmitted by chewing gum.
Parts of people's bodies move on their own accord.
Dave is a mentalist who likes to explore strange connections-- between people, between the mind and body, between the real and the unbelievable.He performs these demonstrations live--in-person and on-line-- one-on-one and with groups.His show promises to be unlike anything audiences have experienced before... and requires their active participation.

Dave Moses on a break between shows.
Dave Moses Hypnosis On Stage

Dave Moses, HypnotistIn addition to using hypnosis to enlighten and entertain during his shows, Dave is also passionate about using hypnosis to help himself and others with the creative process.He spent a lot of time trying to reconcile these two apparently quite different vocations but, eventually, boiled it down to two very obvious, things:1. Words are powerful.
2. Our stories change us.
Dave works with clients to increase their productivity without losing their creativity. Sometimes it's about dealing with anxiety or depression, sometimes it's about overcoming blocks in order to achieve personal/professional goals and make positive changes in life and do it now.Dave works one-on-one online. He started working over zoom during the pandemic and it was so effective he never went back to an office.That said, he also work with groups, organizations and companies both online or in person to help them make positive changes in the quality and quantity of the work they create.He can be reached through his other website:Dave Moses Hypnosis

Dave Moses Special Hypnosis Projects

Special Projects
Your Write Mind was a project Dave created to work with writers from across Canada as an experiment to see if a short number of sessions over the course of a month would help them with their writing.
After the project was completed Dave talked with them during a Live Stream to get their reactions to the process.(Spoiler Alert: It was pretty amazing.)